Constant Communication, a Key at HR

Interesting Debates are regularly held among LinkedIn members. Most of them refer to laboral relationships as well as management Issues. Within the last week one of them touched a difficult topic in Argentina : How do applicants feel when they don’t have any feedback from Recruiters ?.

It was shown that the majority of Applicants feel totally dissapointed ( sometimes also angry)  about the absence of responses from Recruiters who after Interviews or Tests don’t care to give any feedback to Job Applicants.  In other Debates Recruiters tend to particularize Applicants because of their lack of seriousness, responsibility or inadequate background in application process.

Both positions of the Debate make me think about how do we exchange Information in our daily activities. What kind of methods for communication do we have and which of them do we really use.   Regularly I tend to think that Human Resources  Area is  at some parts of the Recruiting Process not very professionalized.

I tend to think that sometimes  Profiles face the absence of People to handle this kind of information:

Do Recruiters read the Cvs or this part of the process is made by an assistant or a computer programm?

Do Recruiters ponder about their Findings ?

 Are they allowed to respond to potencial employees ?

 Do they feel Information Overload ?

It is not easy to give an answer because  at this Debate very few Professional Recruiters led their voices to be heard ; they seemed not to envolved at the subject.

This issue was also analysed by Tandem Consulting ( a company specialized in Business and Enterprises Decisions ) through in a survey conducted among 310 Decisions Makers from Middle Management to Top Management. The survey showed that Executives observed failure points at Decisions Making Process , they can focus them at Directing Strategies, Cultural Patterns and personal skills of Decisors. Managers highlighted the fact that these kind of weaknesses mean deterioration in business development and everyday management. Managers concluded that sometimes decisions are not made by the right person.

3 comentarios en “Constant Communication, a Key at HR”

  1. Me gustó mucho tu artículo. creo que es cierto que muchas veces los proceso de reclutamiento no pueden reflejar los verdaderos objetivos y expectivas del que recluta. Creo que en ello hay muchos factores que intervienen, algunos los nombras en tu artículo. Cada búsqueda presenta caracterísiticas particulares, desde la cantidad de postulantes que se presentan, la urgencia por cubrirla, los recursos disponibles para llevarla adelante y toda esa combinación muchas veces genera incovenientes o imperfecciones que pueden generar frustación a la persona que aplica a la búsqueda. Creo que es importante no darse por vencido, insistir y buscar el camino para finalmente lograr el resultado esperado tanto por el postulante como por el que recluta.

  2. Gracias Silvana por visitar mi Blog y por participar opinando. Por el tenor de tus palabras entiendo que sos Selectora y es fantástico que ambas partes puedan comunicarse.
    Mi artículo es bastante moderado, los comentarios de Linkedin fueron mucho más incisivos y espero generen conciencia de la necesidad del respeto como clave en los vínculos entre personas, sea que esten de un un lado u otro de la negociación.

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